Monday, April 14, 2014


Navrus is the Muslim New Year.  
It begins on the Spring Equinox.  March 21 in Dushanbe and  March 22 in Donghara (If you are President you can have your Province celebrate a day later so you are able to attend both).  

Navrus is about new beginnings.  This Country is about new beginnings.  
There are children everywhere in Tajikistan!  
33% of this country is under the age of 14.

I had once said to Jason that he needed to do a blog on the children of Tajikistan,  He said people would not like "some stranger" taking pictures of their kids.  He couldn't have been more wrong.  These people are VERY proud of their kids.  They are happy to let you take pictures (even if every child does not feel the same way) of their son/daughter.  They fix their hair, tell them to smile, step aside, and watch as you click, click, click away.

The outfits are special for a special occasion.  They are a varied  as the people here.
This is the first little girl I saw, she gave me the idea for this blog.

I loved this picture.  I have no idea how they got her to stay still long enough to get her into this outfit.  I was just happy to see that the right pant leg is pulled up.  It made her seem more like a child.

    Jason really liked this little girl, as you will see.  Not sure that she liked having her picture taken.

I'd be pissed also if someone did that to my hair, it looks painful!

I wouldn't be happy either if they put those things in my hair!

This little girl looked as good coming or going.

This little boy had some great dance moves.  The music was loud and he was working it.

This little girl was demonstrating how to separate cotton.  She was very excited to have her picture taken

These two twins danced beautifully.


This group of girls had a great time playing guess how.

All I could think of with this one was Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!

This young man didn't care about the outfit, he only had eyes for that soda.